Do you know the feeling you get when you are waiting for a package to come in the mail? The anticipation of seeing the box sitting on the front porch just waiting to be opened by you? And the satisfaction upon opening the box and seeing your acquisition? Well, I get to have that feeling almost every day for the next couple of weeks. For over the next 3 weeks, Balint Charities will be receiving nearly 1000 books through a grant from First Books. They arrive from a variety of publishers so not all at once. The anticipation of coming home late afternoon and first spying my front porch always adds a bit of glee to my day. What will be delivered today? How many boxes? Which books are coming? I think of the many, many children who will benefit from these books and cannot wait to see the excitement and happiness when I deliver them. This weekend we will be delivering around 300 books to a pediatrician’s office and next week to a refugee relief organization. So, while I love this delightful feeling of seeing the delivery on my door step, the act of giving these books away is my biggest joy.
Have a wonderful September!